OD/DB features. Article 2.
OD/DB technology – 100% formal quality, standardization of drawings/models

OD/DB technology is a method of drawing organization that makes it quite easy to withstand 100% formal quality of drawings/models. That is: the same graphical properties for similar objects, drawing with certain primitives in certain layers with certain block-, linetype-, hatch-, text-styles, etc.

This method of drawing organization allows creating formalized descriptions of drawing standards for projects, enterprises/organizations, departments, state and international standards, allows standardization of the drawings/models created for projects, enterprises/organizations, for working in one standard for many executors or enterprises/organizations.

OD/DB technology is based on the use of object definition files – formalized descriptions of the required objects types, proper drawing primitives for each type of objects (lines, polylines, blocks, etc.), its’ proper graphical properties (layers, colors, block names, styles, etc.), descriptions of access to the required drawing resources (blocks-, hatches-, line types libraries, etc.). In addition, it is possible to describe the required parameters of drawings/models and drawing settings with AutoCAD variables in such files, as well as other objects display concerns (drawing order, etc.).

An example of variable values definition in a definition file:

An example of drawing resources definition in a definition file:

An example of object definition compactness and transparency in a definition file; variable values set in the object definition are valid only during its drawing:

In other words, object definition files can be a formalized description of drawing standards in AutoCAD. It can be any standards of this kind – the standards of any breadth of application, the standards of any drawing subject. Object (standard) definition files can be transferred to any number of users, organizations, can be used an unlimited number of times. Thus, it is possible to ensure compliance with such standards for individual drawings/models, while the organization of teamwork, as well as while the independent work in different enterprises/organizations and when creating drawings at different times.

Examples of object definition files automation and edition:

Creating OD/DB object definition files from atc, xtp Tool Palettes descriptions, https://youtu.be/egX-RqAFwZI – youtube, 3:27.

Creating object definition files based on primitives and the properties of graphical elements, https://youtu.be/_fdN83ZIOXc – youtube, 4:13.

OD/DB technology involves drawing with objects menu with automatic setting of proper drawing primitives and graphical properties – specific for each type of objects defined in the current object definition file. In other words, when drawing with objects menu in drawings/models, only objects of certain types of primitives and with specified graphical properties may be created – in accordance with current drawing standard.

Examples of objects menu, https://youtu.be/lGJ-QkvuuOI – youtube, 2:46.

Examples of drawing objects of different types with objects menu, https://youtu.be/NlSNE4dEogs – youtube, 3:29.

When creating OD/DB objects in drawings/models, each of these objects is automatically attached with an object type non-graphical identifier. With these identifiers, it is possible to check the conformity of drawing objects with the specified drawing standard, to restore the required graphical properties, to find objects in the drawings/models that do not meet the specified standard. In other words, it is possible to provide quick and absolute control of drawings/models for compliance with the selected standard using object type identifiers and object description files. Also, it is possible to provide automated corrections.

Objects’ graphical properties check, https://youtu.be/pnblZ1dwl5U – youtube, 2:22.

Restoring graphical properties based on the objects definitions, https://youtu.be/8GfLAPrpZrc – youtube, 3:03.

Objects type replacement, assignment of necessary properties, https://youtu.be/8xw-FldPgKw – youtube, 3:54.

Defining graphical elements as objects based on their graphical properties, https://youtu.be/5gxVSgUfJQ8 – youtube, 1:46.

All this together allows achieving quite easily both the required standards and formal quality, both technologically and with additional commands.

Almost no user efforts are required to do this.


Alexander Sharov

Translation: Sheviakov Sergei