These results can be achieved by combining well-known solutions with an unexpected at first glance element.
I have already tried to explain this idea over a year ago in “Drawing with proper graphical properties added, entity as object defined, descriptive data assigned” ( Then I haven’t clearly described the purpose of the idea and the implementation methods, and I was misunderstood – the participants decided I spoke of proxy objects, user objects, the creation of full-fledged reality objects models.
Therefore, I have to make it clear.
It will be said further about the solution idea for basic drawing with AutoCAD standard entities – polylines, lines, blocks and other standard primitives. Since the majority of the drawings are still created in basic AutoCAD with standard primitives.
The solution idea for any drawing field, any purpose and content drawings creation is in question.
No doubt, the solution may be merely programmatic but completely independent of programmers for the users – all changes and settings can be made by users without any programming skills and serious qualification but just with common sense and simple logic.
The first basis of the proposed solution idea is the use of a single external text file of the simplest form and structure. This file consists of necessary general parameters for drawing, drawings and AutoCAD, references to all the necessary resource files – files with blocks, layers, line types, text styles, sizes, multileaders, multilines, hatches and layouts descriptions. All these parameters, settings and resources are loaded and activated automatically during drawing.
The same file describes all drawing object types – the necessary drawing standard. Object types can be merged into classes that can contain subclasses, etc. of any classification depth and of any content.
Object types descriptions consist of its IDs – object types names, sets of its graphical properties – entities types, colors, layers, weights, text styles, text heights, etc., block names, its scales, rotation angles, etc.
In addition, object types descriptions contain the names of “tables” (XRecord, Object Data) where it is necessary to keep object types IDs as well as the necessary descriptive information about the objects – about their “characteristics”. Data fields constraints can also be given – lists or ranges of its acceptable values.
The description files must have a very simple, intuitive structure, must be as brief as possible and are created by the users in simple text editors. Once the drawing standards definition files are created they can be used any number of times by any number of users.
The second basis of the proposed solution idea – objects drawing and manipulating with illustrative drop-down objects menu where all the objects are displayed in a compact classified form. Users specify the necessary object type and the action, by default – draw, insert. Proper AutoCAD command and all the necessary graphical properties and recourses for this type of object are activated then automatically. Drawing standard options, settings and resources are automatically restored, if any (after PURGE, etc).
At the same time, each graphical element created is automatically assigned with the record in the corresponding “table” (XRecord, Object Data) where the corresponding object type ID and extended data fields for the “characteristics” are kept. Obviously, all XRecords (Object Data) of the necessary structure are created automatically in accordance with the external file description.
This is the third, non-obvious basis of the proposed solution idea – the use of extended data. In this case it will not lead to extra labour costs and drawings complexity, but rather to new greater opportunities. Each graphical element receives standardized extended data with object types IDs – new non-graphical property giving unambiguous feedback with DWG files elements. This additional elements’ property does not depend on current graphical properties of the elements. In other words, object types’ IDs (names) offer an opportunity to find the objects regardless of their current graphical properties, to restore proper graphical properties, to manipulate objects regardless of their graphical properties.
In particular, any number of records (XRecord, Object Data) including identical may be attached to one graphical element. In other words, one graphical element can be defined simultaneously as a reflection of many types of objects.
In general, the addition of non-graphical standardized IDs provides new powerful degrees of freedom for the analysis and drawing data manipulation.
Moreover, if each graphical element retrieves records (XRecord, Object Data) for extended data then there are opportunities to convert drawings to descriptive databases, to create explications, reports and other descriptive data analysis. It its important to note that these opportunities are assumed to be available for the users of basic AutoCAD. Together with a set of necessary basic tools, it can help solving a number of tasks which we have to abandon or which need plugins to be developed.
Drawing speed is achieved by eliminating of repeated manual actions and settings – its automatic loading and activation. Acceleration and quality improvement is achieved through maximum drawings standardization, the possibility of full and comprehensive audits.
If there are the descriptions of all needed properties of all graphical elements of the drawing there will be possibilities to determine files elements as proper object types, to attach proper records (XRecord, Object Data) given the drawings elements’ graphical properties sets correspond the required standard. There is an opportunity to find automatically all DWG file elements which properties mismatch the drawing standard. This opportunity excels significantly standard AutoCAD tools for “standard” compliance verifying.
If graphical elements have object types names (IDs) there will be possibility to assign every or some DWG file elements with proper graphical properties. Moreover, to substitute properties one with another if needed. It becomes possible to search items that are not assigned with object types, without relevant records (XRecord, Object Data). It becomes possible to manipulate the data automatically – select objects by types relevant to the required classification groups. Additional actions are then available – unambiguously set entities’ drawing order, automatically replace display with the display of a different standard, automatically convert drawings from one drawing standard to another.
Automatically determine the values of the object characteristics in their data field records (XRecord, Object Data). It is possible to find items which records have no property values, which values are unacceptable as to the definition file.
The values of the extended data records for specified elements can be browsed, entered and edited in a special window. It is also possible to browse, enter and edit all of these values in a table view. These values can be exported to the required format and imported as XRecord/Object Data into DWG.
In principle, great part of the proposed solution idea is partly implemented in AutoCAD in various forms: in Design Center – the ability to load necessary resources, Tool Palettes –description files and drawing objects menu window, in CAD standards tools. But at the same time Autodesk has not implemented even the one-third of the opportunities arising from the definition files in Tool Palettes. From the other hand Tool Palettes windows for objects menu do not allow to create drop-down lists, to implement object classification, are not compact, i.e. are not enough convenient.
The proposed solution idea is mainly implemented in AutoCAD vertical applications –extended data usage, objects menu, search and audit processes automation, etc. But they are not available to the majority of users, and specialized, limited by application domain (not in everything, though).
Even more implementations of the idea are in custom plugins – hundreds or probably thousands of custom programs, offering object menus, automatic or semi-automatic resources and DWG settings loading, ways of describing and storage of object characteristics including AutoCAD extended data usage. These solutions are strongly tied to private opinions and preferences, they are specialized and their users are mostly dependent on continued programmers involvement, etc.
The limitations of the idea implementation relate primarily to the complexity of the drawing standards definition files creation, to the availability and quality of the finished definition files. This difficulty can be overcome. First, it is possible to automatically create a "scratch" of such files based on template drawings, on Tool Palettes if any, or on required objects’ formalized descriptions, if any. Second, definition files structure can be so simple, clear and brief (proved – it’s possible) that manual creation of such definition files can be quite simple and fast. Third, definition files created before can be used as templates in many cases – when drawing standards differ partly and not fundamentally.
Accordingly, the use of the idea is justified mostly for the projects where many performers are required at the same time, for large companies with its own standards, when creating drawings with strict customer requirements for the quality and is very effective in case of outsourcing –subcontracting, freelancing.
There are no other actual restrictions – externally and functionally the created drawings have no difference from basic AutoCAD drawings. XRecord descriptive data does not cause any problems to DWG files since it is no proxy.
The proposed idea is implemented by me (as an analyst) for AutoCAD vertical application Map 3D based on its extended data – Object Data, and mostly repeated for basic AutoCAD based on XRecord.
Drawing with a convenient objects menu along with search by object type, classification groups and search for not defined elements result in labour costs reduction of about 10-20% and significant improvement of drawings quality. The remaining figures in my speed up promise are estimate since widespread industrial application, testing and debugging are yet impossible. Promises to improve, simplify, expand, create new product types, etc. in basic AutoCAD are quite tested and responsible.
At the same time, I believe that the only appropriate implementation of the idea in all senses is the decision of Autodesk itself. However, I hope it is obvious that this would move drawing process and drawings to another, higher level of performance, quality and content.
Why do I share an idea and not promote my product?..
First of all, I do promote indirectly. :)
Secondly, I consider the idea to be the most valuable thing.
Thirdly, a good idea is always a product of criticism and discussion.
Fourthly, implementation is always limited by the tastes and inclinations of the authors, something is lost, something is excessive.
Fifthly, I hope that those who will implement this decision, will not forget to mention me. :)
Sixthly, I repeat, I believe that Autodesk itself should implement such things.
Alexander Sharov
Translation: Sheviakov Sergei