Set/edit OD values – group of commands for the automated loading and editing of OD fields’ values (video -, 4:42):
Set from XYZ, ODEDIT_SETXYZ command – loading of X, Y, Z values of graphic elements to the specified fields of the specified OD. The download options are selected: for X, Y – First, Last, Center, for Z – Min, Max, Average. Precision - the degree of rounding, the number of decimal places - is determined. For the fields with the Point type, the command is not executed.
Set from geometric properties, ODEDIT_SETPROP command – loading of values of lengths, areas and volumes of graphic elements to the specified fields of the specified OD. Precision - the degree of rounding, the number of decimal places - is determined. For the fields of the Point type, the command is not executed.
Set from text, ODEDIT_SETTEXT command – loading of the contents of single-line texts or multiline texts to the specified fields of the specified OD. Select the required OD in the list in the left side of the command window. Select the required OD field in the list in the right side of the command window. In the lower part of the window specify tolerance - the distance between the insertion points of texts and graphic elements, in which to load the values. To load for closed contours, you do not need to specify the tolerance. To the specified OD field of the selected graphic elements, the content of the selected texts located next to these elements or within the contours of these elements will be loaded. For the fields of the Point type, the command is not executed. If one graphic element with the specified OD corresponds to more than one text element, then loading is not executed; such text elements are marked with blocks-circles in the "odedit_error" layer and with a radius equal to the specified tolerance.
The characters for line feed and carriage returns from multiline text are replaced with "\ P" - as in the AutoCAD Properties window.
Set from attributes, ODEDIT_LOAD_ATTRS command – loading of the contents of single-line or multiline attributes to the OD fields, described in the mapping (correspondence) file. Select the block-attribute / OD-fields mapping file. If the attribute value contains letters and characters other than a period, then the OD numeric fields do not load. The necessary ODs will be attached to the corresponding blocks if they were not previously attached, and if there are descriptions of the required OD in the active dwg.
The values of multi-line attributes are passed to OD fields in one line with the separation of text from the lines by spaces - as in the AutoCAD Properties window.
Block-attribute / OD-fields mapping files are simple tab-delimited text files. The number of delimiters is not limited. The text after the "#" is a comment.
Mapping file structure:
Block_name < tab > Attribute_Name < tab > Name_OD < tab > Field_Name.
The mapping file describes only those attributes whose values need to be loaded into OD fields or unloaded from OD fields.
To simplify the creation of match files, you can use the unload command lists of blocks and their attributes, OD and their fields - see below, ODEDIT_ATTR_TEMPLATE.
Upload to attributes, ODEDIT_STORE_ATTRS command – uploading OD field values to single-line or multi-line attributes, described in the mapping (correspondence) file. Select the block-attribute / OD-fields mapping file.
See the description of the previous command about the block-attribute / OD-fields file.
---, ODEDIT_ATTR_TEMPLATE command – unloading of block names and their attributes, OD names and their fields into a text file to describe their correspondences. Select the path and name for the this template file.
Template files are simple text files with tab delimiters. The first part of the file displays the names of the blocks and the names of their attributes:
Block_name < tab > Attribute_Name < tab > #TableName < tab > #ColumnName.
The second part of the file displays the OD names and the names of their fields:
#BlockName < tab > #AttributeName < tab > # Name_OD < tab > Field_name < tab > # Data_field_type.
Template files are designed to simplify the creation of mapping files, and are not intended for loading by commands. Only attribute names are case sensitive.
Create IDs, ODEDIT_SETID command – creation of identifiers in the specified field of the specified OD. Select the required OD in the list. Select the required OD field from the drop-down list. Enter, if necessary, Prefix, Suffix. Determine the initial value of the numeric part of the identifiers. IDs are created, consisting of prefix, non-repeating number, and suffix. For the fields of the Point type, the command is not executed.
Replace, ODEDIT_REPLACE command – replacing values or parts of values with a given character set in the specified OD fields. Select the required OD in the list in the left side of the command window. You can select several OD at once. Select the required fields in the list of OD fields in the right part of the window. You can select several fields at once. In the left field at the bottom of the command window, enter the value to be replaced. In the right field at the bottom of the command window, enter the new value. To determine the replaceable value, masks are allowed – "*". For the fields of the Point type, the command is not executed.
Add from field in field, ODEDIT_ADDVAL command – adding values from one OD field to another. Select the required OD in the list at the top of the command window. Select the field to which you want to add values in the drop-down menu below the list. Select the field in the bottom drop-down menu from which the values are taken. Numerical values in the target field are summarized, text values are added. For the fields of the Point type, the command is not executed.
Add values from OD to OD, ODEDIT_ADDVAL_OD2OD command – adding values from one OD field to the field of another OD. The command is executed for graphic elements to which different ODs are simultaneously attached. Select the required OD in the list at the top of the command window from which the values are taken. Select the field in the drop-down menu below the list from which the values are taken. Select OD in the list at the down of the window to which you want to add values. Select the field to which you want to add values in the drop-down menu below the list. Numerical values in the target field are summarized, text values are added. For the fields of the Point type, the command is not executed.
This command is the only one in which the ODs created by Map 3D (CNTR_..., TPMCNTR_..., etc.) are displayed in the OD source lists.
See more fully in: