OD2HL.lsp.zip – LISP-program for creating a Hyperlink from the OD field value.
AutoCAD Map/Civil 3D, 2010-2021.
Author: Olivier Eckmann pour Patrice Braud, FR.
Call command: OD2HL
At the Command line, enter OD name:
EXACT Name of the OD Table (For example: LINE/POINT/etc) :
Enter OD source field name:
EXACT Name of the OD Field (For example: PHOTOS/FILES/etc) :
Prefix Path if the OD field contains only the filename:
The Path ( Absolute: C:\TESTS\1-AUTOCAD\Image\ or Relative: .\Image\ ) for Photos/Files :
Pre and post selection is valid.
ATTENTION: NO Error management ! ... ALL selected object must have the OD Table/Field!