Text_Sel2OD.lsp – loading values of specified texts into OD field of specified objects
Valsecchi Bruno, CADaSchtroumpf; Privas, Ardèche, FR. Translation by Patrice Braud; FR

Text_Sel2OD.lsp.zip – LISP program loading values of specified texts into OD field of specified objects.

AutoCAD Map/Civil 3D, 2010-2020.
Author: Valsecchi Bruno, CADaSchtroumpf; Privas, Ardèche, FR. Translation by Patrice Braud; FR.
Call command: Text_Sel2OD

The program downloads content Text, MText, Attribute, MLeader, Leader, Dimension.

After calling, the TABLES window appears with the subtitle Select the Target OD Table

In the window, select the desired OD.

The FIELDS/CHAMPS window appears with the subtitle Select the Target OD Field for The Table [OD name]

In the window, select the appropriate OD field to load text values in.

The AutoCAD Message window appears with the message The type data will be [type]

Select an item with text:
Select the Source Text:

Select the element with the OD of which you want to load the selected text content:
Select an object for storing the Text to an OD:

The message appears in the AutoCAD message window:
Tha Value sign is stored to the Field idnumber < ESC to Quit >

You can continue to select texts and objects to upload.
Termination of the program-Esc.