UHCoGoPoint2BLock.lsp – creating blocks for COGOPoints with OD copying to them from COGOPoints
Udo Hübner, Ing. Büro Udo Hübner; http://www.cad-huebner.de/, DE

UHCoGoPoint2BLock.lsp.zip – LISP-program for creating blocks for COGOPoints with OD copying to them from COGOPoints.

AutoCAD Map/Civil 3D, 2017-2021.
Author: Udo Hübner, Ing. Büro Udo Hübner; http://www.cad-huebner.de/, DE.

Warning: In dwg, there must be a block "Map_Survey_Point" or any block with the attribute "PTNUM" but with the blockname replaced in LISP.
Warning: UHODCOPY.VLX must be loaded first.

Select the COGO points for which you want to create blocks.

If blocks are already created for the specified COGO points, a warning is displayed.

All ODs with values in the OD fields of the corresponding COGO points will be attached to the created blocks.