XD2OD.lsp.zip – LISP program XD to OD conversion.
AutoCAD Map/Civil 3D, 2010-2020.
Author: Peter Heald. Autodesk, Inc.
Call command: XD2OD
If you have pre-selected many graphic elements, then the conversion will be done for all of them.
In any case, you need to select one graphic element with Xdata.
In the AutoCAD message box, a message appears about Xdata attached to the item:
Application names associated with selected entity:
Application name of xdata to convert? <JJJ>:
Enter the name of the desired Xdata or accept the specified.
A question appears in the AutoCAD message box about the first field of the specified Xdata:
Code 1000, string:
Convert this to OD ? Finish/Yes/
Select an option:
Stop conversion - Finish (_F, _Finish) - the conversion will not be performed.
Convert field - Yes (_Y, _Yes) - the conversion will be performed.
Do not convert field - No (_N, _No) - skip the Xdata field.
When choosing to continue the conversion (Yes) in the AutoCAD message box, a request appears for the OD field name for the data from this Xdata field:
OD field name:
Enter OD field name.
Etc.- for all Xdata fields
After selecting actions for all Xdata fields, an OD name prompt appears in the AutoCAD message box:
Name of Object Data table
Enter the name OD.
If you enter the name of an existing OD and enter field names that do not match the existing OD, then conversion will not be performed.
Xdata in graphic elements is saved.