XDTOOLS_XD2CSV.lsp.zip – LISP-program uploading data specified XData Applications from selected objects to CSV or TXT.
Author: koMon, komon@sent.at; Russia.
Call command: XDTOOLS_XD2CSV
Pre and post selection is valid.
Select from the XD Download Applications window the applications whose data want to upload to csv or txt:
Use Ctrl and Shift to select applications.
Select file creation mode:
Write a separate file for each application [Yes/No]
When choose to create individual files ("Y," "Yes"), files with names from the prefix and application names will be created.
Select data separator in files:
Data Separator [Comma/Semicolon/Tabulation]
In the Enter CSV filename window, must specify a folder to save files and a prefix to file names:
By default, the prefix is the name of the active dwg with the added suffix "_xdatum".
Can select csv and txt files to create.